Tuesday, 28 February 2012


There is no majesty in truth
No grandeur in simple reality
For these we need have fiction
Make-believe our love
And lies to be our joy
Without, the sky is grey
And pock-marked skin
Mirrors harshly back

So it was I died
Unseen - some years ago
But in my head I live
And watch the waves come in
And the moon cool light the trees
And rainbows arc the hill
And dream I may find love
Just one time, one time

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

You choose.

The past is still-born
And tomorrow is dead
All time is a fake
It lives in your head

Just choices to make
Turn left or turn right
A head or a tail -
Nothing’s wrong nor right

See – life doesn't care
If you’re here or not
Rich man or beggar
You’ll soon be forgot

It’s all ‘quantum soup’
No reason or rhyme
And nothing left after
Because - there’s no time.