Wednesday 19 November 2014


Round and round we go
Those who know
Or those who just flow
We’re all struggling rats trying to get round this infernal maze
Yet it’s the same maze – we all have the same DNA, and we nearly all follow similar paths, similar problems, similar doubts.
And we all face the same end.  Scientist, evangelist, Farage or Tony Benn – we’ll all be gone.  Whatever empire, dynasty, body of work or child we leave behind, we won’t know about it.  Sorry, spiritualists.
So here we are, and then we go.
Albert Einstein
Or just Joe Blow.
A cosmic voyage from the heart of a star to the heart of Crawley, Hearts are won then hearts are lost, but we exit as we came in – alone.  Well , apart from the trillions of bacteria hitching a ride.  The poor will not inherit the Earth – that’ll be bacteria.  Come asteroid or plague, we will be gone, but those wee lads will soldier on.
And the cycle re-boots.
On and on, and round and round.
A perfect circle.
And the lost are found.